Fixed Deposit
You can partially encash your Fixed Deposit even
before it reaches maturity.
The remaining (i.e. non-encashed) amount of Fixed
Deposit will continue to earn interest at the initially agreed rate for the
rest of the tenure.
Opportunity of earning interest on your partially
encashed amount.
Example: If you open a Unit Fixed Deposit of BDT 1
crore for 1 year at 12% interest rate and encash BDT 40 lac after 6 months,
then BDT 40 lac will get 5.5% interest rate for 6-month period. Non-encashed
amount of BDT 60 lac (i.e. BDT 1 crore – BDT 40 lac) will be continued for the
rest of the tenure at 12% interest rate.
Only BDT 10,000 is required to open this
Fixed Deposit
Each Bangladeshi taka will be considered
as One Unit (BDT 1 = 1 Unit)
No ceiling on maximum amount of Fixed
12 months tenure
Attractive interest rate
Loan facility against lien on Fixed