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Bank Guarantee for Contractors and Suppliers at Maiwand Bank Afghanistan

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Bank Guarantee is the commitment given by the banker on behalf of the customer in favor of a third party (Beneficiary) promising to perform or discharge the liability of the principal in case of his failure to perform the contract.

In the present open market scenario prevailing in Afghanistan, the Construction, Real Estate and Logistics/Supplies sectors are booming up day by day. This necessitates the Contractors and Suppliers to have a greater leverage and liquidity of their working funds for deploying the same in a more profitable manner. 

Therefore, Maiwand Bank offers the following three types of Letters of Guarantees on behalf of their customers;
1. Bid Bond Guarantee
2. Performance Guarantee
3. Financial & Advance Payment Guarantee

Bank Guarantees Are Issued On Fulfilling The Following Criteria:

1. Prescribed Application along with underlying Contract with the Beneficiary or Bid Notification, as the case may be.
2. Statutory License from competent authority (AISA / MOC / MOI) etc.
3. Audited Financials / Business Plans.
4. Upfront & 100% Cash Margin. However, lower cash margins can be considered subject to provision of suitable collateral security and its assessment will be done on case to case basis.
5. Upfront Commission $10 / quarter is charged, if the facility is backed by 100% Cash Margin. In other cases, it is determined on the basis of available cash margin and value of the collateral security.
6. Bank Guarantee is issued for a maximum period of one year and on expiry of the same, the Bank is not liable to the beneficiary, in any manner.

7. Cash Margin / Collateral Security held with the Bank will be returned to the customer only on returning the Original Bank Guarantee


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